Greenland: The Next Chapter Begins

After taking a year off from arctic exploration I'm excited to be making plans to return to Greenland.  In 2015 I'm preparing to go back to the savage beauty of Koge Bay with my friends John Bradley, Frank Marley, and Jaana Gustafsson, all fellow veterans of the 2013 expedition.

This time it's different.  We have founded a new company, Global Exploration and Recovery, to continue the search for the 3 U.S. Service members who went missing in a plane crash during a surprise winter storm in 1942 while they themselves were conducting a rescue mission.  There will be many factors that distinguish this expedition from previous efforts.

We are a small team.  With only four people involved, we can draw on our alpine mountaineering experience to move light, fast, and efficiently.  We don't need the thousands of pounds of equipment that accompanied earlier trips.  This downsized approach will give us the agility and freedom to adapt to changing conditions, cover more ground than was possible before, and work in unison.

We have the right tools for the job.  This year we are taking different equipment.  Thanks to the generous support of Kovacs, we will have simple, non-motorized ice coring gear that can drill holes quickly in the ice without relying on any machinery.  And we will have cutting-edge ground-penetrating radar calibrated specifically to the conditions we will encounter.

We are collaborating with new partners.  This year we are not planning to support a government-led mission although we are coordinating our work with the Coast Guard and Department of Defense.  We will be seeking funding for the mission from the private sector.  Already we have secured valuable donations of equipment, resources, services, and financial support for our project.  We are emphasizing partnerships with U.S.-based manufacturers.  A crowdfunding campaign is on the way.  International support for our company is growing.  We hope you can join the momentum.

What can you do to get involved?  Visit our website and tell us what you think.  Check out our Facebook page and follow us for news updates and photos.  Tell your friends.  Spread the word.  We have a giant task ahead of us to plan and execute this mission and we will need all the help we can get.

Looking forward to sharing this adventure with you.